If anyone’s ever experienced the scorching heat of Dubai’s never-ending summer, then you know why the fall/winter season is so appreciated and praised. Here are our top reasons…
The temperature is perfect
As we slowly enter into November, the temperature starts to drastically drop down to a enjoyable 20 – 25 degrees, which means we can start living our lives outside without dripping in sweat. Woohoo
Beach beach beach
Likewise, we can finally get back to the beach and get working on our tans! The water might be a bit cold, but it’ll definitely refresh you after laying out all day.
Does anything compare to the New Years Eve fireworks at the Burj Khalifa?
Everything reopens
Towards the end of this month, we’ll see tons of establishments/events/activities reopen after a long hiatus during the summer season. One of our favourites being Global Village, of course.
Lots of concerts
There’s practically a new artist that comes every week, sometimes even two! Don’t miss Omarion tomorrow night
You haven’t experienced true Dubai life until you camp for a night in the gorgeous desert. Follow our tips here.