One of the many things we love about Dubai is its chameleon-like quality to recreate the atmosphere and allure of any part of the world.
Exhibit A: Global Village
Exhibit B: Ernst Biergarten and Wirsthaus, the city’s first and only authentic Bavarian pub.
So, if the thought of hopping on the next flight to Germany for some top-notch hops has been preying on your mind, you can save up on the ticket fare and instead check out this new addition to the 25Hours Hotel One Central’s hip and happening F&B outlets. Prost!
Authenticity is the keyword in this restaurant, which pays homage to the 210-year-old concept of biergartens (beer gardens), right from the chequered tablecloths typical to Munich pubs, wooden benches and bar stools and colossal steins (beer mugs) to a delectable menu featuring Schweinshaxe (pork knuckles) and classic draughts like Paulaner.
What cinches the feel of the Bavarian countryside for us though is the ginormous maypole fixed to the ceiling. Painted in traditional Bavarian colours, it’s a nod to the time-honoured tradition of erecting a large wooden maypole to celebrate spring.
And while spring goes unregistered in Dubai’s sultry version of May, Ernst’s dark green walls dotted with framed photographs of old-timey dancers and wooded landscapes comes close enough to offering the respite of the lush Bavarian countryside.
Will you see the Museum of the future and the Burj Khalifa when you let your gaze stray from your Weisswursts (traditional sausages) to the view outside? Yes.
But that’s what makes Ernst uniquely Dubai!
Another quirky little detail that will endear this German beer garden to regulars is the presence of stein lockers, where guests can store away their very own personalised mugs. It’s an extension of the famed Bavarian hospitality and warmth that’s all about making people feel at home.
Committing fully to the Bavarian tavern theme, Ernst’s outdoor terrace area offers patrons a shot at curling aka Eisstockschiessen – Bavaria’s national sport.
In case you want to celebrate winning a curling game or simply want to host a party for or bring forward Oktoberfest celebrations months ahead, a cosy private dining room is available for you and your kumpels (friends). Lederhosens and dirndls are optional!