Pho is a traditional Vietnamese soup that includes some kind of broth, noodles, veggies and meat combined together. It’s sort of similar to ramen in look, taste and its recent takeover as a foodie trend. If you’re the ultimate pho fan, then this challenge might be of interest to you:
Vietnamese Foodies is a quaint little restaurant in JLT, that you probably wouldn’t even notice if you hadn’t heard anything about it before. Don’t let its humble size fool you, the food is not only healthy and vegan-friendly but also one of the certified places you’ll find tasty Vietnamese food without actually having to visit the country. Ok, so we’ve built up the suspense long enough…ready to hear the challenge at hand?
From now until December 23rd, if you can gulp down a five-litre size portion of pho within an hour, then your meal will be on the house. The sad news – if you don’t manage to finish it all, then the total price is Dhs150. We wouldn’t say it’s impossible… all you need is a super empty stomach, a massive appetite and a strong craving for pho. Oh, and some added motivation incase you were wondering if the winner got anything else other than a free bowl of pho – you’ll enter a contest with the potential to win tickets to Vietnam! Sounds like something you could tackle? Call 04 565 6088 to reserve your spot (only requirement to enter is you have to be 18+).
Opening times:
Sun-Thurs 11am – 10:30pm
Fri-Sat 11am-11pm
Address: Cluster D, JLT